API Reference
QML Regressors
Quantum Support Vector Regression |
Quantum Kernel Ridge Regression. |
Quantum Gaussian Process Regression (QGPR). |
Quantum Neural Network for Regression. |
Quantum Reservoir Computing for regression. |
QML Classifiers
Quantum Support Vector Classification |
Quantum Gaussian process classification (QGPC), that extends the scikit-learn sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessClassifier. |
Quantum Neural Network for Classification. |
Quantum Reservoir Computing for classification. |
Circuit Design
Encoding Circuits
Creates the YZ-CX Encoding Circuit from reference [1]. |
The high-dimensional encoding circuit from reference [1]. |
Creates the data reuploading encoding circuit as presented in reference [1]. |
A feature-map that is based on the Chebyshev Tower encoding. |
Chebyshev Encoding Circuit from reference [1]. |
Encoding circuit with HZ encoding followed by controlled Rx, Ry Rz rotations. |
Simple Chebyshev encoding circuit build from Rx gates |
Parameterized Z feature map with optional CNOT gates between the default layers. |
Collection of encoding circuits introduced by Kyriienko et al. in reference [1]. |
Wrapper to create sQUlearn encoding circuits from the Qiskit circuit library. |
Encoding circuit for quantum convolutional neural networks (QCNN). |
Creates a random Layered encoding circuit with no trainable parameters. |
Random parameterized encoding circuit with randomly picked gates, qubits and feature encodings. |
Encoding Circuit Tools
Encoding circuit base class |
Class for pruning redundant parameter of encoding circuits. |
A class for a simple creation of layered encoding circuits. |
Class for automatic differentiation of encoding circuits. |
Class for generated a Encoding Circuit with a transpiled circuit. |
Function for automated pruning of the parameters in the inputted parameterized quantum circuit. |
Algorithm for determining the redundant parameters from the Quantum Fischer Information. |
Observable constructed from a single Pauli operator of a single Qubit. |
Observable for summation of single Pauli operators. |
Observable for measuring the probability of being in state 0 or 1 of a specified qubit. |
Observable for summing single Qubit probabilities of binary states. |
Implementation of Ising type Hamiltonians. |
Class for defining a custom observable. |
Operator Tools
Base class for observables. |
Class for calculating derivatives of observables. |
Execution Tools
A class for executing quantum jobs on IBM Quantum systems or simulators. |
A class that creates an estimator primitive that wraps a Primitives instance. |
A class that creates a sampler primitive that wraps a Primitives instance. |
Quantum Kernel Core
Fidelity Quantum Kernel. |
Projected Quantum Kernel for Quantum Kernel Algorithms |
Negative log likelihood loss function. |
Target alignment loss function. |
QNN Core
QNN module for classification and regression.
Low-level QNN factory, which creates the specific low-level QNN based on the quantum framework. |
Low level implementation of QNNs and its derivatives based on Qiskit. |
Data structure that holds the set-up of derivative of the expectation value. |
Low level implementation of QNNs and its derivatives based on PennyLane. |
Base class for low-level QNNs. |
Squared loss for regression. |
Variance loss for regression. |
Squared loss for regression of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). |
Loss for parameter regularization. |
Tools for training QNNs
Function for adjusting the variance regularization along the iterations. |
Function for running an Adam optimization with a decay in the learning rate. |
Shot control for setting the shots of the gradient evaluation after the RSTD of the loss. |
Function for training a given QNN. |
Minimize a loss function using mini-batch gradient descent. |
Implemented optimizers
Module for optimizer implementations and wrappers.
sQUlearn's implementation of the ADAM optimizer |
Wrapper class for scipy's L-BFGS-B implementation. |
Wrapper class for scipy's SLSQP implementation. |
Wrapper class for Qiskit's SPSA implementation. |
sQUlearn's implementation of the SGLBO optimizer |
OpTree Data Structure
Static class containing functions for working with OpTrees objects. |
A OpTree node that represents its children as a list/array/vector. |
A OpTree node that sums over its children. |
A leaf of the OpTree that represents a circuit. |
A leaf of the OpTree that represents an operator. |
Leaf of the OpTree that represents an expectation value of a circuit and an operator. |
Leaf of the OpTree that represents an measurement. |
A container for arbitrary objects that can be used as leafs in the OpTree. |
A leaf that contains an evaluated value. |
PennyLane interface
Class for converting a Qiskit circuit to a PennyLane circuit. |
Base Classes
Base class for observables. |
Encoding circuit base class |
Base class for defining quantum kernels. |
Empty parent class for a kernel loss function. |
Base class for QNN optimizers. |
Base Class for Quantum Neural Networks. |
Base class implementation for loss functions. |
Base class for Quantum Reservoir Computing (QRC) models. |