The Executor Class


The Executor class is the central component of sQUlearn, responsible for running all quantum jobs. Both high- and low-level methods utilize the Executor class to execute circuits or to run other quantum jobs. The class provides a high-level interface to the simulators of PennyLane and Qiskit, as well as manages access to real QC hardware as for example IBM Quantum. It features a variety of comfort features, such as result caching, automatic restarts of failed jobs, logging of all actions, and Qiskit Session handling. The Executor class is also responsible for handling the execution environment, and can be initialized with a variety of objects that specify the execution environment (see figure below). The following figure summarizes the structure of the Executor class; ingoing arrows indicate that the Executor class can be initialized or adjusted with the corresponding object. Outgoing arrows indicate that the Executor class can return the corresponding object.


Key Features of the Executor

The Executor class provides the following key comfort features when executing a quantum job:

  • Result caching: Enables caching of results to avoid redundant job executions, and enable restarts of failed executions. Caching is enabled as default for remote executions, but can also be manually activated for local execution. The cached files are named after the hash out of different properties of the quantum job, that include the backend name, the circuit, the execution options, etc. Before running a job, the Executor checks if a cached result exists and returns it if it does. The caching can be disabled by setting the caching argument to False; the folder for the cached results can be specified by the cache_dir argument, (default folder: "_cache").

  • Automatic restarts: In case the job execution fails or is canceled, the Executor automatically resubmits and restarts the job up to a specified number of times. The number of restarts can be specified via the max_jobs_retries argument, the pause between restarts can be adjusted by the wait_restart argument.

  • Logging: The executor automatically logs all actions to a log file that ca be specified via the log_file argument.

  • Random Seeds for shot-based simulators: A random seeds can be specified for the PennyLane and Qiskit shot-based simulators to make the computations utilizing this Executor object reproducible. The random seeds can be set manually by specifying the seed argument.

  • Modified Qiskit Primitives: The Executor allows the creation of modified Qiskit Primitives that function exactly as the Qiskit primitives but leverage the comfort features mentioned above. The primitives can be obtained utilizing the get_estimator() and get_sampler() methods. The modified primitives route all executions through the Executor class, and thus benefit from all comfort features. The primitives are fully compatible with the Qiskit framework, and can be used in the same way as regular primitives. The Executor primitives are automatically utilized in the sQUlearn sub-programs.

  • Qiskit Session handling: Automatically manages the creation and handling of Qiskit sessions. If Sessions are time out, the Executor automatically creates a new session and re-executes the job.

Initialization of the Executor class

The Estimator can be initialized with various inputs (execution=) that specify the execution environment:

  • Default initialization with no backend specified: If no backend is specified, the Executor class is initialized utilizing the fast PennyLane simulators. If no shots are specified (shots=None) the statevector simulator being utilized, which is the default. If shots are specified, the shot-based simulator is utilized.

    from squlearn import Executor
    # Initialize the Executor with the PennyLane statevector simulator
    # as default, shots=None (statevector simulator)
    executor = Executor()
    # Initialize the Executor with the PennyLane shot-based simulator
    executor = Executor(shots=1234)
  • A string specifying the local simulator backend: Qiskit simulators are available by "qiskit", "statevector_simulator" and "qasm_simulator"; PennyLane simulators can be initialized by "pennylane" or "default.qubit".

    from squlearn import Executor
    # Initialize the Executor with the statevector simulator
    executor = Executor("statevector_simulator")
    # Initialize the Executor with the qasm simulator
    executor = Executor("qasm_simulator", shots=1234)
    # Initialize the Executor with qiksit is equivalent to "statevector_simulator"
    executor = Executor("qiskit")
    # Initialize the Executor with the PennyLane statevector simulator
    executor = Executor("pennylane")
    # Initialize the Executor with the PennyLane shot-based simulator
    executor = Executor("default.qubit", shots=1234)
  • A backend following the Qiskit backend standard, e.g. a Qiskit Aer backend, a fake backend, a real IBM Quantum backend. This allows also the utilization of other quantum computing backends, as long as they provide a Qiskit backend class.

    from squlearn import Executor
    from qiskit_aer import Aer
    from qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider import FakeManilaV2
    # Executor with the Aer statevector simulator
    executor = Executor(Aer.get_backend("aer_simulator"))
    # Executor with the FakeManilaV2 backend
    executor = Executor(FakeManilaV2())
  • A PennyLane device of a quantum computing backend. In the following example, the Executor is initialized with a AWS device. Note that this example requires the PennyLane AWS plugin to be installed (pip install amazon-braket-pennylane-plugin) and the AWS credentials to be configured.

    from squlearn import Executor
    import pennylane as qml
    # Initialize the Executor with the PennyLane default.qubit device
    dev = qml.device("", device_arn="arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1", wires=2)
    executor = Executor(dev, shots = 1234)
  • A backend from the Qiskit Runtime Service, which utilizes the execution of quantum jobs on IBM Quantum. Sessions and Primitives are automatically created and managed by the Executor class.

    from squlearn import Executor
    from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService
    service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", token="INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE")
    executor = Executor(service.get_backend('ibm_kyoto'))
  • A pre-initialized Session object, which can be used to execute quantum jobs on the Qiskit Runtime Service

    from squlearn import Executor
    from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService
    service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", token="INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE")
    session = service.create_session(backend = service.get_backend('ibm_kyoto'))
    executor = Executor(session)
  • Pre-configured Primitive with options for transpiling and error mitigation. The Executor class utilizes the options of the inputted primitive, and automatically creates a new primitive with the same options if necessary. Note Options from an Estimator are not automatically copied to the Sampler, and vice versa.

    from squlearn import Executor
    from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Estimator, Options
    service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", token="INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE")
    options = Options()
    options.execution.shots = 1000
    options.optimization_level = 0  # No optimization in transpilation
    options.resilience_level = 2  # ZNE
    session = service.create_session(backend = service.get_backend('ibm_kyoto'))
    estimator = Estimator(session=session, options_estimator=options)
    executor = Executor(estimator)
  • If only the execution is wanted, this can be achieved by utilizing the Qiskit IBM Provider package. However, most sQUlearn algorithms a build upon primitives, and therefore, this access is not recommended, since it is likely to be deprecated in the future.

    from squlearn import Executor
    from qiskit_ibm_provider import IBMProvider
    provider = IBMProvider(instance="hub/group/project")
    executor = Executor(provider.get_backend("ibmq_qasm_simulator"))

The following code shows an example for configuring the Executor class with a backend from the Qiskit Runtime Service and setting options for caching, logging and restarts:

from squlearn import Executor
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Options

service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", token="INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE")

options = Options()
options.execution.shots = 1000
options.optimization_level = 0  # No optimization in transpilation
options.resilience_level = 2  # ZNE

executor = Executor(service.get_backend('ibm_kyoto'), # Specify the backend
                     cache_dir='cache' # Set cache folder to "cache"
                     caching=True, # Enable caching default for remote executions
                     log_file="executor.log", # Set-up logging file
                     wait_restart=600,  # Set 10 min pause between restarts of Jobs
                     max_jobs_retries=10, # Set maximum number of restarts to 10 before aborting
                     options_estimator=options # Set options for the Estimator primitive

executor.set_shots(1234) # Shots an be adjusted after initialization

Utilizing Executor Primitives in Qiskit Routines

The Executor class provides an Estimator and Sampler primitive that are compatible with the Qiskit framework. This is only possible, in case the Executor class is initialized with a backend compatible with Qiskit (and not PennyLane). The primitives can be obtained by the get_estimator() and get_sampler() methods of the Executor class. The primitives automatically utilized the parent Executor class for all executions, and thus benefit from all comfort features of the Executor.

The following example shows, how to evaluate the Quantum Fisher Information utilizing the Executor primitive (see QFI in Qiskit)

from squlearn import Executor
from qiskit_algorithms.gradients import LinCombQGT, QFI
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli
# Executor initialization (other ways are possible, see above)
executor = Executor(execution="statevector_simulator")
# This creates the QFI primitive that utilizes the Estimator of the Executor class
qfi = QFI(LinCombQGT(executor.get_estimator()))
# Quantum Fischer Information can be evaluated as usual with

If only the run function of the Executor Primitive is wanted, this can be achieved by utilizing the Executor class function estimator_run() and sampler_run().

Note that the attributes estimator() and sampler() of the Executor class are not creating or referring to the Executor primitives! Instead they refer to the Qiskit Primitives used internally that do not utilize any caching, restarts, etc.

Setting Options for Qiskit Primitives

Options for the Primitives can be provided through the options_estimator and options_sampler arguments, but they are also automatically copied from inputted primitives.

from squlearn import Executor
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Options

service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", token="INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE")

options = Options()
options.optimization_level = 0 # No optimization in transpilation
options.execution.shots = 5000
options.resilience_level = 0 # No Mitigation

executor = Executor(service.get_backend("ibm_kyoto"),options_estimator=options)

Options can be adjusted by the set_options() method of the Primitives that are created by the Executor class.

from squlearn import Executor
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Options

service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", token="INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE")

executor = Executor(service.get_backend("ibm_kyoto"))
estimator = executor.get_estimator()